viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

Star Wars 8: C-3PO actor Anthony Daniels threatens to reveal plot, director intervenes

Most of the Star Wars cast hold an Omerta-like code of silence regarding plot spoilers, but not C-3PO actor Anthony Daniels, who finds the whole thing kind of stupid.
Ahead of The Force Awakens, he recalled:
“I said that I’d met so-and-so. An actor who plays a … thing in the film. A character. Immediately I received a message from Disney: ‘Remove the tweet! You’re not allowed to say that!’ Honestly. It’s a kind of Kremlin attitude.”
This week he had more Disney reps sweating, tweeting: “Just read Ep VIII and thought I'd share the story with you because I know you can't wait to hear it too. You do want to hear it. Don't you?”
He was probably joking, but still the ‘yaaaaas’ replies rained in.
Director Rian Johnson (who also wrote the script for the sequel) was having none of it however, interjecting:
So far Disney has managed to keep the Star Wars: Episode VIII plot under wraps, although we do know - and this is a good thing - that it’s going to be ‘weird’.

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